Levi McCulloch, a seasoned high school art teacher and devoted father of three, finds solace and empowerment in his lifelong passion for art. Married to Kim, Levi’s journey as an artist traces back to his early years, where his creative spirit blossomed alongside his fascination with theater, band, and Dungeons & Dragons. Drawing since before he could write, Levi’s unconventional approach to holding his tools is a testament to his innate connection with art. Inspired by his mother’s early recognition of his talent, Levi channels his life’s experiences into his work, transforming mundane moments into epic narratives. His debut exhibition at the Strange & Unusual Gallery unveils a collection where personal struggles intertwine with fantastical realms, offering viewers a glimpse into Levi’s quest for control and understanding through his art. Opening on July 12th, this showcase promises a captivating journey through Levi’s imaginative universe.